FUT Hair Transplant: Procedure and Cost

In this advanced cosmetic era, the problem of hair loss seems temporary. There are several treatments available that can restore hair loss with surgical procedures. FUT hair transplant is one of those surgical processes that is popular with its unique traits. It is a common hair implant procedure that expert hair surgeons practice. The treatment, also known as the strip method, works by removing hairs from the back of the head. This is a highly recommended method for those who want to implant large numbers of hair grafts. In addition, it takes lesser time than alternative treatments like FUE. Know below the working, cost, and benefits of FUT.
How does FUT work?
The strip method of FUT is commonly referred to meet the hair growth requirements on the head. This is a widely recommended technique accepted by hair surgeons. Under this method, a strip of hair is removed from the back of the head of the patient. Then the experts extract the hairs from the strip and implant them on bald areas. The insertion of extracted hairs results in the growth of new hairs. Look at the procedure of FUT.
- The surgeon trims the hairs in the donor area to remove the strip of active hair follicles.
- The surgeon will then divide the strip into individual hair follicles for insertion into the recipient area.
- These follicles are then stored in a sterile, cold solution to survive their lives.
- The surgeon will prepare the bald area by making small incisions with specialized tools.
- The extracted hairs will then implant in the bald spots, and the surgeon will suture the wound.
The procedure would not take longer than the FUE procedure, where individual follicle extraction is required. In addition, FUT hair transplant cost is also lower than FUE, which is an advantage itself.
FUT benefits
Quick succession
If you want to opt for a quick hair transplant method, then FUT is the right choice. It is possibly a faster hair restoration technique to achieve hair transplant. The reason is that a hair surgeon can remove a strip of the skin from the back of the head. This enables the expert to transplant large numbers of hairs in a single session. The FUT hair transplant procedure can also cover a large area of a bald head. A hair surgeon can use extracted grafts to cover your crown, top, and frontal hairline for natural hair growth.
No hair thinning
This method will bring natural results since the hair grafts will not lose their strength during extraction. The surgeon will remove them in the form of strips but not individually. Thus, they will remain in the same position and strength during implantation. Consequently, the results would be more natural and precise. Pulling of hair follicles individually can pose a risk to decline their strength. This can make an impact on the complete hair restoration results.
Less cost
This is an obvious advantage that FUT hair transplant cost is considerably lower. This procedure is quicker as it involves the removal of hair follicles in bulk from the donor sites. Furthermore, the surgeon has to put less effort to extract the hairs manually from the back of the head. Thus, it takes less time and is less costly as well. A single session of FUT would cost from 3k to 12k. Whereas FUE can cost from 3K to 15K for a single session. Besides, you would not have to repeat the FUT session since the surgeon can cover the whole bald area in a single action.
Suitable for long hairs
FUT can suit your hair styling if you want to keep the long hair. The growth of implanted hairs will take place fuller in 12 months. Therefore, you can grow your hair longer, which will also hide the linear scar. A scar will form on the back of your head since the surgeon has to cut the strip of skin. But it can be concealed completely under long hairs. However, you can hide the scar with pigmentation if you choose to keep shorter hairs after the transplant.
High success rate
Well, the success rate of hair transplants mainly depends upon the service provider’s expertise. But it usually has a 98% success rate if performed by a board-approved surgeon.
To sum up
You could be the best candidate for a FUT hair transplant if has enough donor’s hair. This procedure can help you get full coverage of hairs on the head. However, it is a surgical procedure but is safe to accomplish natural and permanent hair growth. You can meet the desired hairline requirement by consulting with your hair surgeon. You must visit a professional FUT hair restoration clinic.