How To Increase Your Website Speed- Easy Techniques

Continuously optimizing your website is essential for long-term success. Optimizing and enhancing the page speed of your website not only helps users convert, but can also have a significant impact on your search rankings. Many websites overlook the more time-consuming efforts that might assist increase page speed and overall site quality, such as regular website maintenance and security audits. Overall, increasing page speed can enhance the amount of search traffic that comes to your site, as well as the likelihood that that visitor will convert into paying customers. To help you, we’ve compiled a list of techniques that we recommend for optimizing the page speed of your website.
Techniques to increase the speed of your website:
1. PageSpeed Insights Chrome Extension:
Google has created a tool that allows you to get the same data right in your browser rather than having to go to Google’s tool every time you want to check your pages, and it’s a simple Chrome extension to install. A simple right-click followed by “Inspect Element” on any webpage will offer you a look behind the works. You may also examine extra information about the page’s load time if you have the extension installed. After choosing “Analyze,” you’ll see all of the previous suggestions for improving website speed directly in your browser and on the same page.
2. Google Analytics – Site Speed Suggestions:
Google Analytics can also assist you in improving the speed of your website. In reality, it only displays the PageSpeed Insights score and recommendations in your GA dashboard. It’s not a new web page speed tool, but it’s interesting to examine it in a different light. Sorting by load time or page views is a wonderful way to use this tool. You may then determine which of your pages requires the most attention, or you can look at pages that receive a lot of traffic and should be enhanced. Analyzing your most-visited pages will rapidly show you how speeding up their loading times can help you enhance conversion rates.
3. Google Page Speed Tools – PageSpeed Insights:
When it comes to determining your website’s page performance, Google’s PageSpeed Insights tool offers an excellent technique. This tool will give you a score out of 100 based on a variety of page performance criteria that have been linked to poor loading times. The mobile and desktop versions of your site receive varying scores depending on how effectively they display on different devices. It contains everything you might need to know about how to increase the speed of your website. You’ll notice a few useful bits of information in the results that you may use in your next phase of page performance optimization. Wherever you see a “Show how to fix” arrow, you should make a list of areas where you can improve. This is how these tools work.
4. CloudFlare CDN:
The distance between your website’s hosted server and the user seeking to access it will be reduced with a CDN. Because it automatically feeds your site via the shortest path to anyone everywhere in the world, this logistical innovation will speed up your website. Although there are other CDNs available, CloudFlare is one of the best. It also has a completely free plan that anyone may utilize. CloudFlare is one of the extremely powerful tools for website management.
5. W3 Total Cache:
This free plugin will come in handy if you use WordPress. W3 Total Cache will optimize almost every behind-the-scenes detail for you. Cache management, CDN management, and code minification are all part of this. W3 Total Cache is one of the most powerful plugins available, and it can do a lot.
Final note:
Any one of these top 5 website optimization techniques of 2022 can help you to improve your site loading speed. Softpulse Infotech can definitely help you to work on improving your website performance by giving the best SEO services. So you can enhance your site speed & decrease bounce rate.