Top 9 Hybrid Mobile App Frameworks That Will Dominate in 2022

Native mobile app development has continued to increase over the past decade, and with it, native development frameworks have been created to support this growth.
However, with so many frameworks on the market today, it can be challenging to know which one will give you the highest return on your investment.
This article looks at 9 hybrid mobile app frameworks that are likely to dominate in 2022 and why these particular frameworks might be instrumental in your project today.
Top 9 Hybrid Mobile App Frameworks in 2022
#1 React Native
React Native is a framework created by Facebook and Instagram developers. It was intended to bridge the gap between native and cross-platform development by giving developers access to both technologies.
React Native uses JavaScript, which is compatible with iOS and Android apps. As of now, there aren’t many hybrid mobile apps on Google Play, but as more people adopt hybrid models, we expect to see even more shortly after release.
With top CMS website development companies creating more flexible templates for mobile devices, we predict it won’t be long before all new sites use a hybrid model.
#2 Cordova/PhoneGap
Yes, PhoneGap is more of a hybrid app development framework than a framework for hybrid development. But Cordova, which powers PhoneGap, is one of few cross-platform hybrid app frameworks available on iOS and Android (and at least half of your future customers use one or both).
In 10 years, Cordova/PhoneGap will remain one of only three or four major cross-platform hybrid development tools.
#3 Xamarin
Xamarin is a Microsoft-owned, C#-based framework that allows developers to build apps for Android, iOS, and Windows devices. In addition to being powerful (it’s based on .NET), Xamarin has also received praise for its user experience. This is important since app success often boils down to user experience.
If you’re looking to create an app for multiple platforms, then Xamarin might be worth considering. It should be noted that while Xamarin can produce some high-quality code, it isn’t necessarily as fast as other tools out there.
#4 Ionic Framework
Ionic has been around for a while, and it hasn’t seen a lot of development activity over that time. While that doesn’t seem like a good thing at first glance, it actually makes it an ideal choice if you want to stick with something stable and familiar.
If you’re unsure which framework is right for your project, consider Ionic as your starting point. It can also help if you need to hire developers since they are already familiar with its features and tools.
#5 Appcelerator Titanium
This JavaScript-based framework helps developers build native iOS and Android apps through a single codebase.
As with many hybrid mobile app development solutions, Titanium is widely popular among enterprises and other businesses because it helps them create an application that supports both operating systems while also allowing them to reuse much of their code.
#6 Google Flutter
Google Flutter is a framework for developing mobile apps for both Android and iOS. Initially developed by Google, Flutter is open-source software. The framework uses its programming language, Dart, and a rendering engine to generate native code for Android and iOS.
The major strength of Flutter lies in its ability to provide cross-platform development with better performance as compared to other hybrid or cross-platform technologies out there. Also, it offers excellent support for the native features of each platform.
#7 NativeScript
NativeScript isn’t a framework for building hybrid apps but an end-to-end development tool for building native iOS and Android apps with JavaScript. NativeScript allows you to write single codebases and deploy them to both Apple’s App Store and Google Play.
So not only can you easily share code between your mobile Web apps and native platforms—but you also have access to native functionality like location services, Bluetooth, camera access, and push notifications. Not bad!
#8 Weex
A full-stack, cross-platform framework for building hybrid mobile apps. The core of Weex is made with a combination of TypeScript and Vue.js, a framework that combines data binding and templating to create single-page web applications.
Weex also comes with hot-reload and offline support, perfect for web developers who want to transition into hybrid development.
#9 Onsen UI
When companies build a hybrid application, they want something lighter than native development but more potent than web apps. Onsen UI uses HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript, making it easier to learn and use for developers without experience using Java.
Also, you can integrate this framework with Cordova and PhoneGap so that you can create apps for your company. This will provide a system of dynamic UI elements for creating mobile applications.
Read Also: 10 Android App Development Frameworks You Can’t Miss in 2022
Hybrid app development can reduce your app’s cost significantly. Nowadays, almost every company wants to integrate hybrid apps into their business model for several reasons: less cost and more productivity, compatibility with major platforms, more flexibility, etc.
If you want to learn more about hybrid mobile app frameworks, you can get in touch with the top hybrid mobile app development company in India, they’ll help you find the right framework for your upcoming hybrid app development project.