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10 Things You Must Know About Vedic Astrology

Astrology is an ancient science that involves predicting earthly and human life events and happenings by observing and interpreting celestial bodies. It is more than a notion but a scientific theory that describes the path of a person’s existence from womb to tomb. 

While some people believe that astrology is nothing more than a fun way to learn about yourself, others take it much more seriously. They say that astrology helps them understand their past, present, and future. Some even claim that they use astrology to make better decisions in life. What astrology is and how it can help you make decisions, will be discussed in this article below.

1. What Is Vedic Astrology?

Astrology is the study of celestial bodies and their effects on human beings. In other words, astrology believes that everything in the universe affects us. It includes our physical health, emotional state, career, relationships, and even our financial situation. Vedic astrology comes from the ancient Indian scriptures called Veda. Veda means knowledge, and these are some of the oldest books in the world. 

Vedas were composed between 1500-500 BC. These texts contain information about astronomy, mathematics, and medicine. Astrologers believe that the stars influence our lives at many levels. They can predict events in our future based on how we interact with them.

2. How Does Vedic Astrology Work?

The basic principle behind astrology is that everything has its unique energy pattern. This energy gets imprinted in our consciousness at birth. Our consciousness then becomes programmed to interpret the energy present around us through our senses. According to Institute of Vedic Astrology study your horoscope and match it with the planetary positions at the time of your birth. They use this information to help you understand yourself better and make informed decisions. 

The planets in our solar system impact our daily lives. These planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Each one has its unique characteristics and influences our lives in different ways.

3. Why Do People Use Vedic Astrology? 

People who practice Vedic astrology believe that it can give them answers to questions like what career they should choose. Whether they should get married or not, live, what kind of children they should have, what partner they should look for, what type of job to do, which house to buy, what car they should drive, and much more. They use astrology to find their way in life. In today’s world, you can learn astrology online through Vedic astrology classes.

4. What Are Some Common Influences?

The Sun and Moon are the most common factors used in astrological predictions. The sun is the centre of our solar system and provides light and energy to the earth. The moon controls the tides and cycles of nature. The ascendant is where the sun rises and sets in the sky. It is said to be the starting point of your horoscope.

5. Gives Direction In Life

Vedic Astrology predicts the course of a person’s life from the moment of birth until death. It helps people understand their past, present, and future. Vedic Astrology can help people find happiness and success in their lives.

Gives Direction In Life

6. The Twelve Zodiac Signs

There are 12 constellations in the zodiac! A zodiac is a path taken by the sun, moon, and planets along with the sky’s constellations. The 12 zodiac signs are – Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pieces.

Earth, Fire, Air, and Water are the four elements that make up the zodiac signs. Fire and air are masculine, whereas water and earth are said to be feminine.

7. How Do Predictions Work?

A prediction is done through a mathematical calculation that considers various factors such as your birth date, time of birth, planetary positions, and other astrological aspects. It helps determine what type of life path you are currently on, what kind of career you should pursue, or how well-suited you are for relationships. Predicting the future is probably easier than trying to change it. In Vedic Astrology Training programs, such calculations are taught to students.

You can’t control everything that happens to you, but you can control how you react to things. When you try to make changes in your life, you often make yourself miserable. But when you accept life as it comes, you can enjoy the ride without worrying about the outcome.

8. Why Do We Need Astrological Advice?

Many people are now turning to astrologers for advice on love, career, health, relationships, finances, and many other aspects of life. The natal chart is the map of your life based on the positions of the stars at the time of your birth. It shows where planets were located at the moment of your conception. This information can tell us how we should live our lives and what we should avoid doing. It’s like having a GPS in your body!

If you’re looking into a specific field, you may want to know if it’s something you’d enjoy and if it fits your personality. You could even ask for guidance on whether or not to pursue a particular career path.

9. Helps Psychologically

While most people seek advice from counsellors. Indians prefer seeking advice more from astrologers. It helps them in embarking on the journey of the personal hood, advancing, and an amendment to the path or your Life 

10. Why Should I Use Vedic Astrology And Not Western Astrology?

Western astrology originates from Greek mythology. In this astrology, the planets are thought to influence people through the positions of the stars at the time of birth. Vedic astrology uses the location of the planets at the time of birth to determine how they interact with your natal chart. Vedic astrology takes into account the entire history of the planets, not just the current position.


While astrology has been around for thousands of years, modern science hasn’t yet fully explained its origins. However, it’s still one of the most powerful tools available to anyone who wants to improve their life. Astrology can illuminate our future paths and decisions in the following years! It has improved over time and has had a major impact on ancient rituals, causing people to believe in it due to its precise forecasts.

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